With the tournament ready to start next Saturday, the Golda Meir Owls were delt a serious blow when Connor broke a joint in his right hand during today's hard fought game! The break is where the index finger joins together with the rest of the hand at the main knuckle. The emergency room spokesperson indicated that this can be troublesome for a person of Connor's age due to the fact that his joints and bones are still growing. Connor was released from the hospital following treatment.
Unfortunately, Connor will have his hand immobilized for at least 10 days, after which he will still have to be extremely careful of what he does with that hand. This effectively brings his basketball career at Golda Meir to a close, as he will be moving on to middle school next year.
To Connor's credit, he played through the pain and finished out the game, even though the break happened late in the first half. This is the kind of dedication that the entire Owl's team has shown in a season that has been marked by having to play teams that have been older and considerably taller than the Owls.
Connor wished his team "Good Luck next week".