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Day Six

Old Church On Brandon Point

Dona At Brandon Point

Connor Pass

Ann & Dona On Connor Pass
Wet & Windy

Last night was a really wonderful night, a truly superb dinner at John Benny's and then the music session. There was Eilse, her husband John Benny and Tommy O'Sullivan. We found out that Tommy O'Sullivan has performed three years at Irish Fest in Milwaukee. Eilse was outstanding and signed two CDs for us, she told Dona that she should never leave home without her flute. Eilse is a flute, tin whistle player as well as singer.

Got up this morning to on again, off again sun, which was very nice. We decided that we needed to head for Connor Pass since we never know if we will have good weather. By the time we got to the top, the rain was coming and going, but it was tremendous anyway. The views were wonderful. Next we decided to drive out to Brendan Point which was also a treat, but the best part was that on our way back, I thought I saw an old church off the road a couple of blocks. When I explored, it was a very old, crumbling Irish Protestant church that had old tombs and was a ruin with untold numbers of photo opportunities. We were greeted by a local women who told us stories about the church and about her family in the Brendan area.

Jean, our next stop was at the South Pole Pub, the pub that had been owned by Tom Crean until his death in 1938. It was a very unique pub with lots of "snugs" (Little corners away from the main room). We spent time there having a pint and listening to the publican (pub owner) tell us about the history of the pub. At this time it is no longer owned by any of the Crean family. The owner of the pub, told us that his brother is in America, and for a while was the lead dancer in the Las Vegas River Dance!

A quiet night back at the cottage tonight, Ann and Dona are getting food while I keep all of you up to date. I will be practicing my peat fire skills again. While I have a ways to go, I am learning to build a good bed of coals with only 3 or 4 fire starters now.

The rain has come in again and we will have to see what tomorrow brings. Still have at least one more castle to find and explore and we want to go up on Connor Pass in the glorious sunshine.

We all say hi to everyone and we are all doing very well.


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