Shannon Airport
Hi to everyone. We got home without incident yesterday about 6:30 pm. Anne picked us up and we went to their house to share some goodies from Ireland with the boys. I'm sure we have never been away from our grandsons for this long. Anne had a nice dinner ready for us.
Got to bed about 9:00 pm and then woke up about 3:00 am (jet lag, time shift). We laid in bed until a more reasonable time of 5:30. Our cat was all over us during the night, not at all happy that we had left her for 11 days.
Of course we are now back in reality! We have 12" of snow on the ground and I am heading out for work in just a bit. Ann leaves for Oregon tomorrow around noon. (Ann's plane was canceled due to weather, so she didn't get away until the next morning.)
However, we are already thinking about how we can go back to the Dingle area and perhaps set up a seasonal business. More information to come.
I will be working very hard over the next few days to set-up the photos from the trip. I only came back with 663 shots that I kept. I promise not to bore you with all of them!