Normally when you mention “March Madness” you’re talking about basketball, however in the Quimby family, it has to do with all of the family celebrations that happen in March.
It starts with Anne & Michael’s wedding anniversary on March 4th, then Ron’s birthday on March 5th, Anne’s birthday on March 8th and finally Scott’s birthday on March 16th. Normally we pick one day during this time period to do one big family celebration.
This year the celebration was yesterday evening, March 4th. We started by meeting at Pizza Man, Ron’s choice, but perhaps not the best one because of the crowd and our need for a table for nine. We got in after an hour wait and had a great meal with some shift eating to help take care of the younger boys.
Then it was off to Anne & Michael’s to open presents and enjoy Dona’s excellent carrot cake. Henry had a hard time understanding why so many of us were getting presents and he wasn’t. It must have looked like Christmas to him, but he wasn’t included. In the end he was happy to help everyone else open.
One of the highlights for me was receiving a new Fly Rod which was hand made by Scott. He also included a number of flies and streamers that he had tied. I haven’t used a fly rod in way too many years. It’s a good thing that Scott has become the expert that he is, because I will need his help. Sounds like some father/son bonding time.
Scott Gets Ready To Open Gifts
Anne Opens A Present
Anne & Michael Receive Anniversary Gift
Papa Ron Gets Help From Henry
Papa Ron With Lots Of Help
The Birthday Celebrants
It starts with Anne & Michael’s wedding anniversary on March 4th, then Ron’s birthday on March 5th, Anne’s birthday on March 8th and finally Scott’s birthday on March 16th. Normally we pick one day during this time period to do one big family celebration.
This year the celebration was yesterday evening, March 4th. We started by meeting at Pizza Man, Ron’s choice, but perhaps not the best one because of the crowd and our need for a table for nine. We got in after an hour wait and had a great meal with some shift eating to help take care of the younger boys.
Then it was off to Anne & Michael’s to open presents and enjoy Dona’s excellent carrot cake. Henry had a hard time understanding why so many of us were getting presents and he wasn’t. It must have looked like Christmas to him, but he wasn’t included. In the end he was happy to help everyone else open.
One of the highlights for me was receiving a new Fly Rod which was hand made by Scott. He also included a number of flies and streamers that he had tied. I haven’t used a fly rod in way too many years. It’s a good thing that Scott has become the expert that he is, because I will need his help. Sounds like some father/son bonding time.
Ready To Blow Out Candles